Grades: 1-6
* This is a leeson I taught to first through sixth grade students as part of a weeklong science camp.
1. Have each student use the internet to read about one of the fastest land animals, specifically finding a speed (Technology Integration).
- Cheetah, Pronghorn, Wildebeest, Lion, Gazelle, Elk, Cape Hunting Dog, Coyote, Hyena, Zebra, Warthog, Grizzly Bear
2. Have each student write their animal's speed on the chalk or white board.
3. Take each animal's speed and mark this on the comparison chart (Math Integration).
4. Discuss; specifically comparing and contrasting.
* Enhancement: To challenge above-level students, have them convert how many miles an hour an animal runs into feet per so many seconds. Then measure this length on the floor and let the students try to run this length in the specified amount of time.