Bird Beak Buffet

Grades: 1-6

*This is a lesson I taught to first through sixth grade students as part of a weeklong science camp.

1. Use the “Fit the Bill” worksheet to discuss how different bird beaks designate the different bird diets.


2. Set up stations so that each one has a food to consume, two different types of tweezers/pliers, and two ‘stomachs’ (small plastic cups).


2. Have students rotate through each station in partners. You will need different food items and different types of pliers/tweezers at each station.


3. At each station, each partner will get a pair of tweezers or pliers. When time starts, each student will try to consume their food and put it into their stomachs. When time ends, each student will count how much of each food item they ate, discuss and compare with their partner, then record on their worksheet.


4. Partners will rotate through each station, completing their worksheet at each station.

