Grades: 1-3
*This is a lesson I taught to first, second, and third grade students as part of an afterschool science program.
1. Start by showing students three colored flowers and three colored butterflies. Put a butterfly on each flower and ask the students to observe what they notice. Now move the butterflies to another flower and ask the students to observe what they notice. Do this a third time so that the color of butterflies matches the color of flowers.
2. Discuss the students observations, guiding them into the discussion of camouflage.
3. Now show the students a picture of a butterfly.
4. Have the students color the butterfly in their books to match the pattern and coloring on the butterfly (Integrating Art). Ask the students to predict what type of environment the butterfly could camouflage into.
5. Next, show a picture of that butterfly hiding in the environment. Discuss the environment and have students write the information discussed under the ‘About this Butterfly’ part on the page in the butterfly books.
6. Repeat the above two steps according to time.
7. Next, allow students time to scan through book with butterflies. Have them pick their favorite butterfly. Give the students a large, white paper butterfly and instruct the students to color their butterfly like the one they chose in the books.
8. Have the students share their butterfly with the class, identifying what environment the butterfly would best camouflage into.
9. Discuss and review today's lesson. Then send home outreach letter.