*This is a lesson I taught to fourth grade students during my student teaching internship.
1. Use the power point to discuss the characteristics of the earth. Guide the students into discussing the theory of Plate Tectonics. (Also use this power point to guide through the following activity).
2. Give student a dollop of frosting (asthenosphere), half of a fruit roll up (oceanic crust), and half of a graham cracker (continental crust). They also need a utensil to spread the frosting and a glass of water.
3. Instruct the students to cut the fruit roll up into two pieces and place them (oceanic crust) on the frosting (asthenosphere). Then have them push the two plate apart from each other. This represent divergent plate boundaries.
4. Next, instruct the students to remove one of the fruit roll up pieces and place half of the graham cracker piece (continental crust) next to the fruit roll up (oceanic crust). Now, have them push the two plates towards each other until the fruit roll up subducts under the graham cracker. This represents a convergent plate boundary at a subduction zone.
5. Now have the students dip the edges of two graham crackers (continental crust) in water. Have them place the graham crackers on the frosting (asthenosphere) with the moist sides towards each other. Have them push the two plates towards each other, the soft spots of the graham cracker will push upwards. This represents a convergent plate boundary at a mountain range.
6. Next, have the students turn the graham crackers (continental crust) around so the dry parts are facing each other. Now have them slide the plates past one another. This represents a transform plate boundary.
7. As a final review or test, have the students complete this worksheet.