Grades: 1-6
*This is a lesson I taught to first through sixth grade students as part of a weeklong science camp.
1. If possible, check out a bird feet set from the local museum, science center, or fish and game center. If not possible, then show pictures of bird feet.
2. Discuss the different types of bird feet and their different uses.
* (Make sure that you’ve completed the previous lesson about bird beaks).
3. Give each student a copy of the birds worksheet and a sheet of construction paper.
4. Have the students cut out the birds and glue them onto the construction paper. Under each bird, have the students write down each birds probable habitat and diet according to their beak and feet.
5. As a wrap up to bird beaks, feet, habitat, and migration, have the students design their own bird using available art supplies (integrating art).
6. Have each student share with the class the following traits about their bird:
- beak: what the bird eats and where it lives
- feet: what the bird eats and where it lives
- feathers: where the bird camouflages best
- habitat: where the bird lives and if it migrates